Parse. Cloud

The Parse Cloud Code SDK.




(static) afterDelete(arg1, func, validator)

Registers an after delete function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use afterDelete for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.afterDelete('MyCustomClass', async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.afterDelete(Parse.User, async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the after delete function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run after a delete. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) afterDeleteFile(func, validator)

Registers an after delete file function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

Parse.Cloud.afterDeleteFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.afterDeleteFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });

The function to after before deleting a file. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

  • Yes

(static) afterFind(arg1, func, validator)

Registers an after find function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use afterFind for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.afterFind('MyCustomClass', async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.afterFind(Parse.User, async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the after find function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run before a find. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.AfterFindRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.AfterFindRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) afterLiveQueryEvent(arg1, func, validator)

Registers an after live query server event function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

Parse.Cloud.afterLiveQueryEvent('MyCustomClass', (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.afterLiveQueryEvent('MyCustomClass', (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the after live query event function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run after a live query event. This function can be async and should take one parameter, a Parse.Cloud.LiveQueryEventTrigger.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.LiveQueryEventTrigger, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) afterLogin(func)

Registers the after login function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

This function is triggered after a user logs in successfully, and after a _Session object has been created.

Parse.Cloud.afterLogin((request) => {
  // code here

The function to run after a login. This function can be async and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest;

(static) afterLogout(func)

Registers the after logout function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

This function is triggered after a user logs out.

Parse.Cloud.afterLogout((request) => {
  // code here

The function to run after a logout. This function can be async and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest;

(static) afterSave(arg1, func, validator)

Registers an after save function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use afterSave for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.afterSave('MyCustomClass', async function(request) {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.afterSave(Parse.User, async function(request) {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the after save function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run after a save. This function can be an async function and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) afterSaveFile(func, validator)

Registers an after save file function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

Parse.Cloud.afterSaveFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.afterSaveFile(async (request) => {
 // code here
}, { ...validationObject });

The function to run after saving a file. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

  • Yes

(static) beforeConnect(func, validator)

Registers a before live query server connect function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

Parse.Cloud.beforeConnect(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeConnect(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });

The function to before connection is made. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.ConnectTriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.ConnectTriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) beforeDelete(arg1, func, validator)

Registers a before delete function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use beforeDelete for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.beforeDelete('MyCustomClass', (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeDelete(Parse.User, (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject })
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the before delete function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run before a delete. This function can be async and should take one parameter, a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) beforeDeleteFile(func, validator)

Registers a before delete file function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

Parse.Cloud.beforeDeleteFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeDeleteFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });

The function to run before deleting a file. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

  • Yes

(static) beforeFind(arg1, func, validator)

Registers a before find function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use beforeFind for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.beforeFind('MyCustomClass', async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeFind(Parse.User, async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the before find function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run before a find. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.BeforeFindRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.BeforeFindRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) beforeLogin(func)

Registers the before login function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

This function provides further control in validating a login attempt. Specifically, it is triggered after a user enters correct credentials (or other valid authData), but prior to a session being generated.

Parse.Cloud.beforeLogin((request) => {
  // code here


The function to run before a login. This function can be async and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest;

(static) beforeSave(arg1, func, validator)

Registers a before save function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use beforeSave for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('MyCustomClass', (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User, (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject })
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the after save function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run before a save. This function can be async and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest;

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) beforeSaveFile(func, validator)

Registers a before save file function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

Parse.Cloud.beforeSaveFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeSaveFile(async (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });

The function to run before saving a file. This function can be async and should take just one parameter, Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.FileTriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

  • Yes

(static) beforeSubscribe(arg1, func, validator)

Registers a before live query subscription function.

Available in Cloud Code only.

If you want to use beforeSubscribe for a predefined class in the Parse JavaScript SDK (e.g. Parse.User or Parse.File), you should pass the class itself and not the String for arg1.

Parse.Cloud.beforeSubscribe('MyCustomClass', (request) => {
  // code here
}, (request) => {
  // validation code here

Parse.Cloud.beforeSubscribe(Parse.User, (request) => {
  // code here
}, { ...validationObject });
arg1String | Parse.Object

The Parse.Object subclass to register the before subscription function for. This can instead be a String that is the className of the subclass.


The function to run before a subscription. This function can be async and should take one parameter, a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest.

validatorObject | function

An optional function to help validating cloud code. This function can be an async function and should take one parameter a Parse.Cloud.TriggerRequest, or a Parse.Cloud.ValidatorObject.

(static) job(name, func)

Defines a Background Job.

Available in Cloud Code only.


The name of the Background Job


The Background Job to register. This function can be async should take a single parameters a Parse.Cloud.JobRequest

(static) sendEmail(data)

Sends an email through the Parse Server mail adapter.

Available in Cloud Code only. Requires a mail adapter to be configured for Parse Server.

  from: 'Example <[email protected]>',
  to: '[email protected]',
  subject: 'Test email',
  text: 'This email is a test.'

The object of the mail data to send.