
Parse. Push

new Push()

Contains functions to deal with Push in Parse.


(static) send(data, options) → {Parse.Promise}

Sends a push notification.

Name Type Description
data Object

The data of the push notification. Valid fields are:

  1. channels - An Array of channels to push to.
  2. push_time - A Date object for when to send the push.
  3. expiration_time - A Date object for when to expire the push.
  4. expiration_interval - The seconds from now to expire the push.
  5. where - A Parse.Query over Parse.Installation that is used to match a set of installations to push to.
  6. data - The data to send as part of the push
options Object

An object that has an optional success function, that takes no arguments and will be called on a successful push, and an error function that takes a Parse.Error and will be called if the push failed.


A promise that is fulfilled when the push request completes.