Parse PHP SDK API Reference

in package

Class ParseLogs - Allows access to server side parse script logs


Ben Friedman [email protected]

Table of Contents

getErrorLogs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns error logs
getInfoLogs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns info logs
getScriptLogs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Requests script logs from the server



Returns error logs

public static getErrorLogs([int $size = 100 ][, null $from = null ][, null $until = null ][, null $order = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$size : int = 100

Lines to return, 100 by default

$from : null = null

Earliest logs to return from, default is 1 week ago

$until : null = null

Latest logs to return from, defaults to current time

$order : null = null

Order to sort logs by (asc/desc), defaults to descending

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns info logs

public static getInfoLogs([int $size = 100 ][, null $from = null ][, null $until = null ][, null $order = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$size : int = 100

Lines to return, 100 by default

$from : null = null

Earliest logs to return from, default is 1 week ago

$until : null = null

Latest logs to return from, defaults to current time

$order : null = null

Order to sort logs by (asc/desc), defaults to descending

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Requests script logs from the server

public static getScriptLogs([string $level = 'info' ][, int $size = 100 ][, null $from = null ][, null $until = null ][, null $order = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$level : string = 'info'

Level of logs to return (info/error), default is info

$size : int = 100

Number of rows to return, default is 100

$from : null = null

Earliest logs to return from, defaults to 1 week ago

$until : null = null

Latest logs to return from, defaults to current time

$order : null = null

Order to sort logs by (asc/desc), defaults to descending

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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