ParseQueryExtensions MethodsParse

The ParseQueryExtensions type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberJoin<TOuter, TInner, TKey, TResult>
Correlates the elements of two queries based on matching keys.
Public methodStatic memberOrderBy<TSource, TSelector>
Orders a query based upon the key selector provided.
Public methodStatic memberOrderByDescending<TSource, TSelector>
Orders a query based upon the key selector provided.
Public methodStatic memberThenBy<TSource, TSelector>
Performs a subsequent ordering of a query based upon the key selector provided.
Public methodStatic memberThenByDescending<TSource, TSelector>
Performs a subsequent ordering of a query based upon the key selector provided.
Public methodStatic memberWhere<TSource>
Filters a query based upon the predicate provided.
See Also
